Dansk - English

Short version - Full version

Not translated (Fall 2003)

Course code : BLST-F-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 4. semester Hours per week : 0
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Principal Content : I: Management theory and organization structure. II: The structure of the court system, the agreement law, among these proxy trade with personal property and real property, registration, arrangements and statute of limitations, mortgage right and mortgage deed, bonds legal structure of the enterprise, financial breakdown of the enterprise, stocks, compensation and assurance. III: Consulting arrangement, contract forms, supply forms and law of invitation to submit tenders, EUinvitation to tender, invite tenders material, AB92, common conditions, trade description, tender list, GB95, supplement to GB95, contract agreement, environmental plan of action, plan for safety and health.
Teaching method : Problem-solving
Required prequisites : -
Responsible teacher : Ivar Serritzlew , ivse@dtu.dk