Dansk - English

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Communication and Internet (Fall 2003)

Course code : EKOM1-U01
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 13/01 2003 Written : 22/06 2002
Placement : 1. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish and English

Objective : The module will introduce you to a method of working, which is problem-oriented and project-based.
This method is dominant throughout the course and aims to prepare you for the engineering practice.

You will get an introduction to methods and tools that will develop your ability:
- To identify, analyze, delimit and formulate a problem related to the world of electronics and information technology.
- To work in a group efficiently and be aware of how the collaboration and your work develop.
- Assess your work.
- Orally present theory and results such that the information reaches the audience in a concise manner.
- To search for information, e.g. using the internet, and relate critically to the information.
- To raise objections to and criticize the work of fellow students.
- To document the solution of problems in a way which is well structured and readable.
- To plan the project work and use relevant tools during the different phases of the project.
- To use a computer and the internet in a efficient way during your studies.

During the next semesters the objectives of KOM1 will be developed further.
Principal Content : A problem-oriented project work is carried out in relation to the field of Electronics and Computer Engineering. In connection with the project the following topics are introduced:

Project planning
Social cooperation
Information retrieval
Report writing
Presentation techniques
How to act as an opponent
Methods of study
Mind mapping technique
Teaching method : Problem-oriented project work in groups. Supervision and introductions will be given in order to support your work. Opponent groups are used in connection with the project presentations.
Required prequisites : -
Recommended prerequisites : -
Relations : KOM1 will introduce you to methods of working that are useful throughout your study.
Type of examination : Look under remarks
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Passed/Not passed
Remarks : The mark is based on:
- A project status presentation midway through the semester.
- Agreements made with the advisor during the project period are kept.
- A final project presentation at the end of the semester.

Agreements with the advisor are formulated in a advisor cooperation contract.

The evaluation of the written documentation and the presentations, made by the opponent groups, is included in the final marking.

The internal examiner is present at both project presentations.

If the student doesn"t pass the examination, the student is given guidance on how to improve the chances of passing.
Teaching material : KOM1 notes.

Supplementary material in electronic form
Responsible teacher : Ole Schultz , osch@dtu.dk