Dansk - English

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Databases (Fall 2003)

Course code : IDBS3-U01
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 3. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Principal Content : 1.Introduction to database tools.
2.Introduction to databases with entity sets and relationship types together with ER-diagrams.
3.Database normalization algorithm dependencies, consistency preservation and the conception of primary/foreign keys.
4.Information analyses, database design, metadata and data modeling.
5.Queries and updating with SQL standard.
6.Place data together from several databases (data warehouse).
7.Overall database security.
8.Usually company cases.
9.Visit a company with a database department.
Teaching method : The curriculum of the course unit will be introduced by the teacher and supplied with exercises and course assignments in groups.
The final course assignment must be documented in a report that will be used for the oral examination.
Required prequisites : -
Responsible teacher : Jens Meilby , jme@ihk.dk