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Engineering traineeship period (Fall 2003)

Course code : MINPRAK-U1
ECTS Credits : 30 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 5. semester Hours per week : 37
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Principal Content : 6-8 weeks traineeship period within the production or workshop department of a company where some of the following duties should be discharged:
· Preparation of production, Planning of production, Quality control, Quality inspection, Maintenance and Assembly
10-12 weeks traineeship period within the construction and development department of a company where some of the following duties should be discharged:
· Construction, Experiments, Product development, Supervision, Planning, Design 2-4 weeks traineeship period within the quotation and sales department of a company where some of the following duties should be discharged:
· Technical and price calculation, Logistics, Complaints, Technical information, Service.
20 weeks
Teaching method : See Main Contents.
Required prequisites : Courses in the first, second and third semester have to be passed/approved. Courses of fourth semester must have been attended.
Responsible teacher : Hans H. Hansen , hhha@dtu.dk