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Particular Final Project (Efterår 2003)

Kursuskode : MSAFPROJ-U
ECTS Point : 30 Status : Tilvalg
Placering : 7. semester Timer pr. uge : 0
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Hovedindhold : The theme for the project is formulated jointly by the student and the supervisor. A possible specialisation branch must be reflected in the theme.
In general, the projects are carried out as typical engineering problems within the machanical engineering field. Therefore - the projects are preferably carried out together with a private company or a relevant (public) institution.
The theme is to be formulated so that the evaluation of the project can be based on the main objective tor the education.
Undervisningsform : The project is carried out as an indepent work, but with possible assistance by teachers and/or external experts for instance from the associated company or institution.
A supervisor is attaced to each project. It is the studen"s responsibility to keep the supervisor informed about the progress of the project. The project may be carried out jointly between more students, if agreed by the supervisor.
However, the contributions from the individual student must be indicated in the report.
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Ansvarlig underviser : Hugo Larsen , htl@ihk.dk