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Integrated Environmental Management (Fall 2003)

Course code : PIMIL-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Optional
Revised : 27/08 2003 Written : 05/02 2002
Placement : 6-7 semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : The aim of the course is to provide the students with a knowledge about the structure, planning, completion, and management of a system containing environmental and occupational health and safety. To create an understanding of the importance of economy and environmental weight for the organisations and the society.
Principal Content : Incentives for environmental health and safety management, environmental and occupational health and safety mapping, environmental and occupational health and safety indicators, optimizing environmental and occupational health and safety, environmental and occupational health legislation (EMAS) and legislation about occupational health and cafety certification, standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, environmental and occupational health and safety buy, environmental and occupational health and safety certification, life cycle assesment, planning of environmental and occupational health and safety, environmental and occupational health and safety in relation to other management systems.
Teaching method : Lectures, group work, and a project.
Required prequisites : None
Recommended prerequisites : None
Relations : -
Type of examination : Project
External examiner : External
Marking : Scale of 13
Remarks : -
Teaching material : Announced at the start of the course
Responsible teacher : Kai Danielsen , ksd@ihk.dk