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Logistics and supply chain management (Fall 2003)

Course code : PLOGIS-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Optional
Revised : 04/11 2003 Written : 01/02 1997
Placement : 6-7 semester Hours per week : 0
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : That the finished educated engineer can contribute to a higer degree of integrated consideration and understanding of productions- and material processing systems.

To enable the student to analyze a logistics system, i.e. a total production and material flow system - from the flow of raw materials to the end user and furthermore be able to evaluate the total system in relation to the performance objectives. Futhermore, to be able to postpone proposals to the structure and development of the total logistics system and the connected logistics operation system plus be able to take part in the operation of such systems.
Principal Content : The logistics way of thinking. Description, analysis and diagnosis of logistics systems. Building up and development of logistics systems. Problems with localisation and models, distribution systems and -models. The importance of the human element and its participation in the progress. Operation and evaluation of logistics systems. Strategic logistics decisions.
Teaching method : Lectures, groupworks, debates and lab exercises.
Required prequisites : MAN1, MAN2 and MAN3 passed.
Engineering traineeship carried through.
Recommended prerequisites : -
Relations : -
Type of examination : Approved labs/assignments
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Passed/Not passed
Remarks : Passed/not passed on basis of particapation activity and the quality of work.
Information on criterius will be annonnced.
Teaching material : 1. Fogarty and others, Productions and Inventory Management.
2. Christopher, Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
3. Notes and abstracts from other textbooks.
Responsible teacher : Erik Lyngsie , erly@dtu.dk