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Macro Economics (Fall 2003)

Course code : XMAKRO-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 04/11 2003 Written : 06/01 2003
Placement : 1. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : To provide students with knowledge of the most important macroeconomic concepts, so that they obtain an understanding of how the steering mechanism of macroeconomics can be used in an open, partly market-driven economy. Especial emphasis will be placed on resources and environment in connection with economic activities in production and consumption.
In connection with the teaching, advantages and disadvantages of the economic steering mechanisms will be proved in order to give the students a more general understanding, i.e. to illustrate the economics of society from a more natural scientific and "ecological" point of view.
Principal Content : Economic goals and competitive economic opinions.
National accounts and balance of payment.
Marginal efficiency theory.
Demand and supply including elasticity calculations.
Efficiency and international trade.
Market disregards and market fraud as well as the carrying capacity of eceonomic development.
Market factors: Work force, nature resources and actual capital.
Income form models for open society with authorities.
Fiscal policy and level of condition.
Monetary theory and policy.
Inflation, income and competition policy.
Teaching method : Lectures supplemented by minor exercises.
Required prequisites : -
Recommended prerequisites : -
Relations : When selecting actual curriculum, curriculum of business economics and international economics should be taken into consideration in order to avoid unnecessary overlaps on the microeconomic area.
Type of examination : Attendance and assignments submitted
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Passed/Not passed
Remarks : -
Teaching material : Erik Strøjer Madsen, Jørgen Ulff-Møller Nielsen, Kurt Pedersen: Økonomisk teori i internationalt perspektiv, DJØF Forlag.
Responsible teacher :