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Multimedia (Fall 2003)

Course code : XMULTI-U1
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Revised : 10/09 2003 Written : 17/06 2003
Placement : 6. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Objective : To introduce the students to the design and production process related to multimedia, to provide the students with an understanding of maintaining and documenting multimedia productions and to enable the students to contribute to choosing and managing the relevant technology related to multimedia productions.
Principal Content : Introduction to Macromind Flash MX:
Vector based multimedia authoring tools which, primarily, are used for online visualisation and animation
Video production and Sound:
To make video recordings and grab video sequences for further computer processing.
Introduction to streaming
Introduction to Macromind Director 8.5
Bitmap based multimedia authoring tools which, primarily, are used for CD-Rom productions such as presentations, teaching material, manuals, games and standalone productions.
Image processing, Adobe Photo Shop:
Montages, layers, filters, image manipulation and image aesthetics.
System development and production planning:
Planning according to the HOME method
Process activities such as objectives, teaming, test activities and risk management.
Product activities such as innovative thinking, research and communications planning.
Teaching method : Hands-on, class teaching with blackboard, beamer and overhead projector, class work with specific course material, individual work, group project work.
Required prequisites : For Export Engineering students:
1st and 2nd semester and a minimum of 130 ECTS.
Recommended prerequisites : For non-Export Engineering students:
Prerequisites: Skills corresponding to the “Office-package”, knowledge of basic web production.
Relations : -
Type of examination : Look under remarks
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Scale of 13
Remarks : Project 1 (individual assignment):
Visualisation of a technical problem, including CD production and technical specifications of the visualised problem.
Project 2 (group work):
Digital video presentation, including CD production.
Project 3 (group work):
CD or web based teaching material, including storyboard, flowchart, test considerations and communications plan.
Teaching material : Will be given at the beginning of the course.
Responsible teacher : Ulrik Fønss , ufon@dtu.dk