Dansk - English

Short version - Full version

Not (Fall 2004)

Course code : BTEM-A2-U1
ECTS Credits : 15 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 4. semester Hours per week : 0
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Principal Content : Geographical Informations Systems: (10 %) Maps, recording of data, GIS as a tool for analyses.
Traffic: (40 %) Traffic safety, combatting accidents, traffic technique, data and models, traffic and environmental planning, rail traffic.
Soil and ground water: (20 %) Water catchment, causes of contamina-tion, geology and hydrogeology, methods for investigation, assessment of risc, methods and techniques for remediation, legislation and planning.
Waste water and recipients: (15 %) The composition of waste water, waste water plant and waste water treatment, recipients.
Physical planning: (15 %) Sustainable physical planning, regional plans and community plans, environmental impact assessment.
Teaching method : Presentation of theory and methods, problem solving and examples, excursions, course projects in groups of 2-4 students.
Required prequisites : TEM-A1 passed
Responsible teacher : Jenny Rytter , jery@dtu.dk