Dansk - English

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Not (Fall 2004)

Course code : BVAN-F-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 06/10 2004 Written : 05/01 2004
Placement : 2. semester Hours per week : 0
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : The aim of the course is to give the student a basic knowledge of the chemistry, biology and ecology to understand the consequences of the human impact on the aquatic and terrestrial environment. The students must be able to identify sources of pollution, understand important parameters relation to the transport of pollutants and assess the possibilities of damage to humans and the environment. Students must aquire a certain knowledge of the relevant terminology.
Principal Content : Environmental chemistry
Biology (microbiology and biological classification)
Ecology (Transformations of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus in the environment, ecosystems)
Hazardous compounds
Environmental lagislation
Natural groundwater quality
Pollution of soil and groundwater
Analytical parameters in waste water, sewage treatment
Natural recipients; water courses, lakes and marine waters.
Teaching method : Class teaching, group assignments, excursion
Type of examination : Oral examination
External examiner : External
Marking : Scale of 13
Teaching material : Økologi: John B Nielsen, Per K.Nielsen, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, Arnold Busck 1992
Vandforsyning: Henning Søren, Inga Karlby, Teknisk Forlag 1998
Kompendier og noter aftales ved kursets begyndelse
Responsible teacher : Kirsten Larsen , kla@ihk.dk