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Computer Network (Fall 2004)

Course code : ENETE-U01
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional for specified Programme
Revised : 03/11 2004 Written : 10/01 2002
Placement : 5. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish if no English students are present

Objective : The goal is to give the student an in-depth knowledge about the network architecture. The course must also provide information about protocol design and development.
Principal Content : Protocol design Application layer protocols (HTTP, FTP & SMPT) Socket programming Transport layer: TCP/UDP Network layer: IP Router/Routing Data link layer Local Area Networks
Teaching method : Presentations of theory and small exercises. 50% of the time is allocated as assignment and team work.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge corresponding to OOP2
Recommended prerequisites : -
Relations : -
Type of examination : Oral examination based on assignments
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Scale of 13
Remarks : At the examination each student is allocated 15 minutes. The examination is a group examination but the marking is individual. The evaluation is based on a general impression of the level achieved by the student relative to the objective of the course. The evaluation is based on the report, the oral performance and the functionality of the assigment. The group presents the assignment by giving well-prepared presentations. The duration of the presentation is approx. 10-15 min. The group is required to coordinate the presentations in such a way that the major aspects of the assignment are covered, that the presentations are different and that each individual presentation has a good technical span. After the presentation the supervisors and the external examiner pose questions inspired by the presentations and the report. The questions are a priori individual but may - if found relevant by the supervisors or the external examiner - form the basis of a broader group discussion. During the evaluation by the supervisors and the external examiner, the project group leaves the room. Afterwards the group is summoned and the individual marks are explained. If the student doesn’t pass the examination, the student is given guidance on how to improve the chances of passing.
Teaching material : James F. Kuross & Keith W. Ross: Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet
Responsible teacher : Stig Jensen , stije@dtu.dk