Dansk - English

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Circuit theory and analog electronics (EP) (Fall 2004)

Course code : SKRAEP-U01
ECTS Credits : 15 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 1. semester Hours per week : 12
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Principal Content : Concepts and theory: Independent and dependent generators, resistance, capacitance, inductance. Ohms law. Voltage division. Kirchhoff´s current and voltage law. Node- and mesh-equation. Thevenin and Norton equivalent. Power and energy in direct- and single-phase alternating current circuits. Complex frequency ("s"): Transfer function, poles, zeroes, frequency response, Bode plot, natural response, time constant, resonant frequency, quality factor. Elementary inflection theory: Hookes law, inflection of beams, stress and strain. Components and methods: Resistor, capacitor, inductor, operational amplifier. Transducer (strain gauge), diodes and transisters (BJTs). Computer-based math tools. Time- and frequency domain circuit simulation. Time- and frequency domain measurements.
Teaching method : Class teaching composed of overview lectures mixed with partly PC-based exercises. The class teaching totals approximately 65% of the scheduled class hours, allocated with 100% in the beginning and 0% in the end of the semester. The teachers will choose 3 exercises, to be compulsory. (Must be handed in and be approved by the teachers) The rest of the time is used for project work in groups. Supervision is given inside the scheduled class hours. From the given project definitions the student is encouraged to go through the engineering (partly iterative) process: Specification*, analysis and design, simulation, construction, test and documentation. The projects are documented by reports and a presentation at the examination (see Remarks). *To ensure proper coverage of "main contents", the "specification" will, to some extent, be given in the project definition handed out by the teacher.
Responsible teacher : Wolfgang Schröder , wosc@dtu.dk