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Thermodynamics 1 (Fall 2005)

Course code : MTERMO1-U5
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 3. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Principal Content : Common basis :
Thermodynamic state variable; Thermodynamic systems, processes and change of states. Ideal gasses, reversible and irreversible processes.
Definition of efficiency.
The first low for control mass and control volume systems:
Heat, work, internal energy, enthalpy.
Change of state for an ideal gas cycles without phase change. (Ideal gas)
The second law:
Entropy and T,s- diagrams. Isentropic efficiency.
Phases and phase change.
Thermodynamic properties of steam, steam tables, T,s- and h,s - diagrams for water. Steam generation plants and other advanced energy system plants.
Heat transfer:
Conduction, convection, heat exchangers and calculation of heat transfer.
Teaching method : Class teaching, assignments, homework.
Required prequisites : -
Responsible teacher : Magda Nielsen , man@ihk.dk