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Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2006)

Course code : EAIT-U1
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Revised : 17/11 2006 Written : 07/01 2005
Placement : 5-7 semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish if no English students are present

Objective : Artificial Intelligence is a field of computer science concerned with complicated problems that usually require human intelligence.
On completion of the course the student

- has knowledge of these fields of Artificial Intelligence: Game-theory, Heuristic search, Neural Networks, Machine learning, Logic programming.

- has practical experience from design and implementation of complex recursive algorithms.

- has practical experience in analysis of performance and complexity as well as tuning of algorithms.

- has knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of the programming languages: Java, C++ and C#.

- has practical experience from team-based projects.
Principal Content : Strategic games are games with well defined rules for the course of the game, and a strategy for applying these rules with the purpose of winning. Examples are tic-tac-toe, checkers and chess which are so called perfect-information games, and games with chance ex. back-gammon. Strategic games serves as models for problem solving methods in computer science. Methods that are applied in engineering tasks such as VLSI design, robot navigation, jobshop planning etc.


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.

Problemsolving by state space search: We will analyse and implement algorithms to find way through a maze, shortest paths between cities, planning problems etc.

Design and implementation of a game: We will learn how a computer plays chess, and we will implement our own chess-program, or other game of your own choise. Game theory, algorithm analysis, datastructures.

Introduction to Neural Networks, Machine learning - how can a computerprogram learn from its experience, Logic programming.
Teaching method : First part of the course will be theory and experiments with simple games and problems.
The rest of the course is a team project. Here you will implement a game of you own choice. Until now students have implemented: Chess, Checkers, Reversi, Backgammon, Five-in-a-row and Halma.

Finally we have a tournament, where the programs compete.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge corresponding to OOP2.
Recommended prerequisites : Good programmering skills in C++, C# or Java.
Relations : -
Type of examination : Oral examination based on assignments
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Scale of 13
Remarks : The students will form project groups. Groupsize should be 3-5 students. In special cases the teacher can accept smaller groups. Each group will have a supervisor to support their project work and carry out the exam.

If a group member repeatedly violates group agreements, the group can recommend him/her for exclusion.
If a student does not contribute to project work, he/she will be refused admission to the exam.

Before the exam:
Group presentation of the project. Each student will give a 5-10 minutes presentation of a part of the project. These presentations must be different and together they must cover important topics of the project.

Oral exam:
The exam is individual, and allow 10 minutes pr. student. The assessment is based on a general impression of the student with respect to the goals of the course. This will be evaluated from the projectreport, the oral performance as well as the funcionality of the project.
During the exam supervisor and censor will ask questions inspired by the presentation and the project report.

After the exam:
Students may contact the supervisor by e-mail to make an appointment, where the exam and project report can be discussed further. Students who fail to pass the exam will be guided to prepare for a re-examination. This consultation will normally be given by the start of the following semester.
Teaching material : Alison Cawsey: The Essence of Artificial Intelligence. Prentice Hall 1998. ISBN 0-13-571779-5
Responsible teacher : Bjørn Klint Christensen , bjchr@dtu.dk