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Computer Netværk (Efterår 2006)

Kursuskode : ENETE-U01
ECTS Point : 7,5 Status : Tilvalg for den valgte retning
Revideret : 14/11 2006 Oprettet : 10/01 2002
Placering : 5. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Dansk hvis der ikke er engelsksprogede studerende tilstede

Målsætning : Today must electronic equipment include networking facilities. Therefore a professional electronic engineer must have a basic knowledge about networking. This course will present a practical and theoretical survey of the basic concepts, principles and practice of computer networks.
At the end of the course the student will:

Understand the basic concepts, principles and practice of networking.
Have the ability to understand professional articles and documentation concerning networking issues.
Know where to get more information concerning networking.
Have the ability to implement client /server applications - socket programming.
Have the ability to design network architectures and configure networking devices.
Have the knowledge to implement networking facilities into electronic equipment.
Hovedindhold : Overview: Computer Networks and the Internet.
Application Layer: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, DNS and socket programming.
Transport Layer: TCP and UDP.
Network Layer: IP, ICMP, NAT, Routing Algorithms and Routers.
Data Link Layer: Ethernet, Wireless LAN, Bridges, Switches and Hubs.
Undervisningsform : Class teaching, lab-exercises and one group project.
Approximately 60% of the time will be spent on lab-exercises and the group project.
Krævede forudsætninger : Programming experience in one programming language (c, c++, java.....).
Anbefalede forudsætninger : -
Relationer : -
Prøveform : Se under bemærkninger
Censur : Intern
Bedømmelse : 13-skala
Bemærkninger : Before the exam:
Group presentation of the project. Each student will give a 5-10 minutes presentation of a part of the project. These presentations must be different and together they must cover important topics of the project.

Oral exam:
The exam is individual, and allow 10 minutes pr. student. The assessment is based on a general impression of the student with respect to the goals of the course. This will be evaluated from the project report, the oral performance as well as the functionality of the project.
During the exam supervisor and censor will ask questions inspired by the presentation and the project report and the curriculum in general.

After the exam:
Students may contact the supervisor by e-mail to make an appointment, where the exam and project report can be discussed further. Students who fail to pass the exam will be guided to prepare for a re-examination. This consultation will normally be given by the start of the following semester.
Undervisningsmateriale : James F. Kuross & Keith W. Ross: Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Third edition, ISBN 0-321-26976-4.
Ansvarlig underviser : Ole Rydahl , olry@dtu.dk