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Switchmode Power Electronics (Fall 2006)

Course code : ESWIE-U01
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional for specified Programme
Revised : 29/08 2006 Written : 11/06 1998
Placement : 5-7 semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Objective : To make the students able to understand, analyse, simulate, design, construct and test Pulse Width Modulated switchmode converters.
Principal Content : Basic converter circuits with and without transformer. Continous/discontinous mode. Basic analysis and modelling of switchmode converters: Sequence analysis. Power budget/efficiency. Averaging/transferfunctions. Time and frequency domain simulation of switchmode converters. Design of magnetic components.
Teaching method : 50% lectures with presentation of theory and small exercises made in class (or partly as homework). 50% project work in groups. Each group carries out one assignment. The assignment must be documented in a short report and by a presentation at the exam.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge corresponding to KRA3 and TVP4E. Interest in theoretic and real life analogue electronics.
Recommended prerequisites : -
Relations : Electro Magnetic Compability (EMC) is an important subject for a switchmode designer, so you might have benefit from following ENAME together with SWIE.
Type of examination : Oral examination based on assignments
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Scale of 13
Remarks : It is possible to do Bachelor Project and Engineering Practice in connection with this subject.

Exam : Oral examination based on group-made product ( Hardware, report and presentation )

The report must be handed in before a deadline, set by the teacher, to enter for the examination.
In the beginning of the semester the students form their own project groups. The group size should be 3-5 students. Under special circumstances, the teacher may allow smaller group sizes.
Students that have not formed a group, before a deadline set by the teacher, are considered to be inactive in the groupwork and may be refused to enter for the examination.

If a group member several times fails to fulfil agreements made by the group, the group may recommend exclusion. If a student doesn"t contributes to the project-work, the teacher may refuse to enter the student for the examination.

On the same day as the examination, before the examination, the group must together present the assignment. Each student is allocated 15 minutes for their presentation. The group is required to coordinate the presentations in such a way that the major aspects of the assignment are covered, that the presentations are different and that each individual presentation has a good technical span.

At the presentation the external censor and the supervisor will be the audience. The supervisor takes notes for the examination.

Examination: Each student is allocated 10 minutes (all in all). The examination is individual. The supervisor and the external examiner pose questions inspired by the report and the presentation. The evaluation is based on a general impression of the level achieved by the student relative to the objective of the course. The evaluation is based on the hardware, the report and the presentation.

After the examination students, who wish so, may request (by email) a consultation after the exam, where the exam and the project report can be discussed with the supervisor. At this consultation, students that have not passed the exam, will be guided on how to work purposeful towards passing a new exam. The consultation will normally take place in the beginning of the following semester.
Teaching material : One or more relevant titles will be revealed in the beginning of the course. A few notes handed out.PC Circuit Simulators, Math tools and Internet.
Responsible teacher : Lars Maack , lmaa@dtu.dk