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Manufacturing Technology (Efterår 2006)

Kursuskode : MANTECH-U1
ECTS Point : 5 Status : Tilvalg
Revideret : 25/01 2006 Oprettet : 18/09 2003
Placering : 6. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Målsætning : To give the students sufficient knowledge to be able to select the technically and economically best manufacturing sequence for the product, used in connection with the project. It is necessary for the student to have a broad, fundamental knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of the various manufacturing processes, including the work materials used and the geometries, surfaces finish, and tolerances required.

Hovedindhold : A Morpological Process Model.
Mass- Conserving Processes
Mass- Reducing Processes
Joining Processes
Undervisningsform : Classroom teaching, problem solving, lab work
Krævede forudsætninger : Basic knowledge of technology
Anbefalede forudsætninger : Basic technology course
Relationer : Materials science
Prøveform : Fremmøde samt aflevering af opgaver
Censur : Intern
Bedømmelse : Bestået/Ikke-bestået
Bemærkninger : Taking part in all exercises is compulsory.
This course is part of the International Design Semester (IDS).

In order to participate in the assessment the student must follow the course actively and be present in 80% of the lessons as a minimum. Furthermore the student must deliver all mandatory tasks during the semester.
Undervisningsmateriale : Teacher’s notes
Leo Alting: Manufacturing Engineering Processes
ISBN 0-8247-9129-0
Ansvarlig underviser : Per Valentin Bigum , pevbi@dtu.dk