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Alternative energy (Fall 2006)

Course code : SAEN-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Optional
Revised : 24/10 2006 Written : 18/03 1998
Placement : 4-7 semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : To give students a basic understanding of the generation of electricity from regenerative energy sources and methods on storing electricity. Emphasis is given not only to the technical and commercial aspects of the different technologies but also to their limitations.
Principal Content : Electricity production systems: Wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, fuel cells, thermoelectric elements, thermophotovoltaic cells, etc. Electricity storage forms: Batteries, supercapacitors, flywheels, superconducting coils, etc. Electricity supply systems: Uninterruptible power supplies, load levelling, distributed combined heat and power supplies, electrical and hybriddriven vehicles, etc. In the beginning of the course the main technologies are introduced through ordinary lectures. Afterwards teams of students carry out projects from or related to the subjects described. The students can either suggest their own projects or choose among projects proposed by the teacher.
Teaching method : Class-based teaching in approximately 20% of the course and 1-2 visits to relevant companies. The rest of the course is devoted to the project work including preparation of a report.
Required prequisites : None
Recommended prerequisites : ETEK2A/ELTEK3, EFYS2/ELF must be passed
Relations : None
Type of examination : Approved labs/assignments
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Passed/Not passed
Remarks : The basis for the examination is the work carried out including the report and a mandatory oral presentation of the project.
Teaching material : To a limited extent notes. The remaining literature depends on the chosen projects.
Responsible teacher : Boye Knutz , bckn@dtu.dk