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Network Management (Efterår 2007)

Kursuskode : ENETM-U01
ECTS Point : 7,5 Status : Tilvalg
Revideret : 01/10 2007 Oprettet : 14/01 2002
Placering : 5-7 semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Dansk og engelsk

Målsætning : Today nearly any networking device or application must have management facilities, that enables control and monitoring from a remote console. This course will present a practical and theoretical survey of the basic concepts, principles and practice of network management with special focus on SNMP network management (Simple Network Management Protocol).

At the end of the course the student must:

I Theory:

1. Describe and discuss the architecture laid out by the SNMP protocols
2. Describe the differences between SNMP version 1, 2 and 3.
3. Describe and use of MIBs - private and public,
4. Describe, discuss and use BER and ASN.
5. Describe the architecture behind RMON1 and RMON2 and discuss typical applications.
6. Demonstrate hands on experience with one or more available tools for network management - their strength and limitations.
7. Select relevant information from agents that relates to specific management needs.
8. Describe and discuss commonly used architectures for network management.

II Product:

1. Implement, document and demonstrate a product that fulfils the requirement specification.
2. Identify, execute and document relevant tests for the developed product.
3. Demonstrate and document the ability to identify the major problem areas and the ability to carry out a systematic reduction into well-defined sub problems.
4. Identify and execute measurements and experiments for further reduction of uncertainties within the problem areas.
5. Create alternative models for the solution. Select a particular solution based on a documented evaluation of the alternatives.


2 for fulfilling describe objectives I:1,2,3,4,5, and II 1,2,3 with some defects.
7 for also fulfilling all aspects of I: 1,2,3,4,5,6: and II 1,2,3 with minor defects
12 for fulfilling all the objectives with only minor defects

Hovedindhold : Network Management Overview.
SNMPv1 Network Management: Organisation, Information, Communication and Functional models.
SNMPv2 Network Management: Organisation, Information, Communication and Functional models.
SNMPv3 Network Management: Organisation, Information, Communication and Functional models.
RMON: RMON 1 and RMON 2.
Management Tools, Systems and Applications.
Undervisningsform : Class teaching, lab-exercises and one group project.
Approximately 60% of the time will be spent on lab-exercises and the group project.
Krævede forudsætninger : Documented knowledge similar to NET4/NETE.
Anbefalede forudsætninger : -
Relationer : NETS, KRYP and Linux
Prøveform : Se under bemærkninger
Censur : Intern
Bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala
Bemærkninger : Before the exam:
Group presentation of the project. Each student will give a 5-10 minutes presentation of a part of the project. These presentations must be different and together they must cover important topics of the project.

Oral exam:
The exam is individual, and allows for 10- 15 minutes pr. student. During the exam supervisor and censor will ask questions inspired by the presentation and the project report and the curriculum in general.

After the exam:
Students may contact the supervisor by e-mail to make an appointment, where the exam and project report can be discussed further. Students who fail to pass the exam will be guided to prepare for a re-examination. This consultation will normally be given by the start of the following semester.

- Before the exam:
Group presentation of the project. Each student will give a 5-10 minutes presentation of a part of the project. These presentations must be different and together they must cover important topics of the project.

Oral exam:
The exam is individual, and allow 10 minutes pr. student. The assessment is based on a general impression of the student with respect to the goals of the course. This will be evaluated from the project report, the oral performance as well as the functionality of the project.
During the exam supervisor and censor will ask questions inspired by the presentation and the project report and the curriculum in general.

After the exam:
Students may contact the supervisor by e-mail to make an appointment, where the exam and project report can be discussed further. Students who fail to pass the exam will be guided to prepare for a re-examination. This consultation will normally be given by the start of the following semester.
Undervisningsmateriale : Der anvendes materiale fra internettet plus noter fra læreren.
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