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ØKOSTY (Fall 2008)

Course code : PØKSTY-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Optional
Revised : 20/11 2007 Written : 01/02 1997
Placement : 6. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : To give the students a deeper understanding of the substance and coherence between the different business-oriented subjects which is introduced in the compulsory courses. To give the students the capability to analyze and evaluate the financial and strategic prospects of a company on tg´he background of annual accounts and other financial statements. To enchance the students skills in assessing economic consequences of various business-decisions - especially the application of investmentevaluations To present the students to typical difficulties and preferres methods and tools in financial management of businessprojects.
Principal Content : Strategic and financial analysis consolidated accounts, investment, evaluation, project appraisal and financial management of business projects and new trends in financial control and reporting.
Teaching method : Lectures, discussions, group tasks/project and written reports. A considerable part of the course activity is linked to the group reports.
Required prequisites : OKØ1 (or equivalent) passed Paticipated in examination in ØKO2 (or equivalent passed)
Recommended prerequisites : Basic experience in working with EXEL-spreadsheets.
Relations : -
Type of examination : Approved labs/assignments
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Passed/Not passed
Remarks : Passed/not passed is granted or denied on the basis of written reports, group projects (including feedback-meetings) and attendance.
Teaching material : J.O. Elling , m.fl.: Strategisk regnskabsanalyse. Erik Hansen, Projektøkonomistyring. Novo Nordisk, Årsskrift (hand outs) Supplementary material will be decided during the cource
Responsible teacher : Frank Allan Hansen , fall@dtu.dk