Dansk - English

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From Local to Global Business (Fall 2008)

Course code : X-L/GB-U1
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Placement : Sixth semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English if English students are present

Principal Content : Providing students with insight into the principles of corporate development, entrepreneurship, and innovation in both old and new business.
Giving insights into business responsibilities when dealing with customers and the Internet.
Providing students with detailed knowledge of new technologies (IT) applicable in an e-business context.
Teaching method : Developing the students’ insights into practical business management by using senior managers from public/private enterprises as course lecturers while the students solve practical assignments.
Required prequisites : For Export Engineering students:
1st, 2nd and 3rd semester and the PE-4-3 exam and/or the PE-5-3 exam must be passed.
Responsible teacher : Poul Kohsel , poko@dtu.dk