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Digital communication and modulation (Fall 2009)

Course code : EDCM-U01
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Revised : 30/01 2009 Written : 10/04 2002
Placement : 6. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish if no English students are present

Objective : The course presents the fundamental principles for digital communication, e.g. fixed-wire modems or wireless communication channels, as applied in mobile phones, wireless computer networks or wireless systems in intelligent houses.
Based on the functional blocks of a digital communication system, the fundamental principles for modulation and detection in Gaussian noise is treated.
This includes the principles for the determination of the bit-error rate for a digital communication system. During the course, a selection of small Matlab exercises are prepared, for simulation of parts of a communication system.

Having passed the course, the student will be able to accomplish the following, within the areas shown below:

Model for Communication System.
Prepare and explain the functional block in a digital communication system,
corresponding to the specific course contents.

Model for Communication Channel.
Prepare and explain a model for a communication channel, corresponding to
the specific course contents.

Modulation Methods.
Explain the properties of digital modulation methods, corresponding to the
specific course contents.

Intersymbol Interference.
Explain intersymbol inteference, corresponding to the specific course contents.
Prepare and explain methods for the reduction of intersymbol interference, cor-
responding to the specific course contents.

Prepare and explain methods for the detection of digital information symbols,
corresponding to the specific course contents.

Performance of a Digital Comunication System.
Prepare and explain a model for bit-error probability versus the energy used
per bit and channel noise, corresponding to the specific course contents.

System Simulation.
Prepare and explain a simulation program in Matlab for simulating a minor
part of a digital communication system.
Principal Content : Methods for baseband communication; modulation; bandpass communication; digital modulation using phase, frequency and amplitude, PSK, FSK, ASK, quadrature amplitude modulation QAM; additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN); model for communication channel; detection using a matched filter/correlation; coherent/non-coherent detection; intersymbol interference; adaptive equalization of the characteristics of a communication channel; bit-error probability for a communication system; brief introduction to the synchronization of transmitter and receiver in a digital communication system; simulation of a communication system in Matlab utilizing the Communications Toolbox.
Teaching method : Sessions in class with active participation by the students. The time will be divi-ded between lectures and the students solving problems, including simulating digital communication building blocks in Matlab.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge corresponding to DSM3 or DSM4.
Recommended prerequisites : Linear Algebra and Adaptive Filters (LAAF)
Relations : The study module should be taken in parallel or before DCEC (Digital Coding and Error Correction). The curriculum is closely connected to DCEC which can be followed profitably together with DCM.
Type of examination : Look under remarks
External examiner : Internal
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : Oral examination based on a presentation of a mini project, prepared during the course, and discussion of a solution to a problem solved by the student. The problems are announced during at the beginning of the course.

7 step scale

3 steps of this marking scale are described as follows:

12 is given for the excellent presentation, which completely fulfills the course
goals, with no or very few errors of marginal importance.

7 is given for the average presentation, which fulfills the course goals, with some
errors in the presentation.

02 is given for the minimum acceptable presentation, which fulfills the course goals.
Teaching material : Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communications”, 2’Ed, Prentice-Hall, 2001
and course material handed out during the course via campusnet.
Responsible teacher : John Aasted Sørensen , jaas@dtu.dk