Dansk - English

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Electro-Physics 3 (Fall 2009) (Fall 2009)

Course code : EELF3-U01
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 3. semester Hours per week : 8
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish and English

Principal Content : -Static charge distributions

E-fields with and without dielectrics

B-fields with and without magnetic materials

Electric and magnetic forces


Maxwell’s equations

H-field, M-field, magnetisation curves and magnetic circuits
Teaching method : Classes two mornings, totally 7 hours per week:

Repetition of theory (students)

Lecture of theory (the teacher)

Work with examples (group work)

Writing compendia and training presentations (group work and home work)

Presentation of compendia (group for the teacher)

Amount of home work: ca. 8 hours per week

During the semester the groups should hand-in 9 compendia corresponding to the 9 chapters in the course. In a compendium the group describes the theory and experiments in a chapter using text and figures corresponding to the list for that chapter. The group presents the compendium for the teacher when they hand-in the compendium.

Required prequisites : -
Responsible teacher :