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Control Theory 4 (Autumn 2009) (Efterår 2009)

Kursuskode : EREG4-U1
ECTS Point : 10 Status : Obligatorisk
Placering : 4. semester Timer pr. uge : 8
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Dansk og engelsk

Hovedindhold : Dynamical systems and mathematical modelling:
Description of models for technical systems, such as electrical systems and other mixed systems. Analogies. Experimental modelling using frequency characteristics. Solution methods for mathematical models, including Laplace transformation. Time response and frequency response. Simulation and verification of mathematical models.
Basic control theory in engineering:
Analysis and design of feedback systems, block diagrams and reduction of multiple subsystems. Stability of feedback systems, in time- and in frequency- domains. DC-motor. Fundamentals of PID-controllers. Design of analogue- and digital-PID-controllers. Simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK including most common nonlinearities.
Undervisningsform : In the beginning of the semester the teaching will be a mixture of classroom lecturing and problem work solving, including simulations with MATLAB and SIMULINK. This form makes up 50% to 75% of the scheduled time in the semester, distributed as 100% in the beginning of the semester and 0% towards the end of the semester. In relation to the contents of EREG4E two mandatory course assignments have to be carried out and documented in writing.
Krævede forudsætninger : Documented knowledge similar to all previous (1,2,3 semester) courses.
Ansvarlig underviser : Anna Friesel , anfri@dtu.dk