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CAD & Solid Modelling (Fall 2009)

Course code : M-CAD-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 08/09 2009 Written : 08/09 2009
Placement : 1. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : To give the engineering students a basic/advanced insight in working with modern CAD systems – feature based solid modeling system. This course is designed around a process-based approach to training. The process-based training, emphasizes the processes and procedures you follow to complete a particular task. By utilizing case studies to illustrate these processes, you learn the necessary commands, options and menus in the context of completing a design task. The main goal of this course is to teach the student how to build standard models as well as advanced freeform shapes.
Principal Content : The focus of this course is on the fundamental skills, tools, and concepts central to successfully building multibody and freeform shapes/models. The course would cover all the standard tools in a feature based parametric CAD system. Computerised 3D visualising tools for preparation of presentation material and production drawings will be used. Stereo lithography (SLA), CNC (computer numerical control), reverse engineering (3D scanning) and casting techniques will be used for rapid prototyping. Relevant courses with practice will be arranged during the semester.
Teaching method : Lectures, laboratory exercises and supervision.
Required prequisites : -
Recommended prerequisites : -
Relations : -
Type of examination : Approved labs/assignments
External examiner : None
Marking : Passed/Not passed
Remarks : Test, at the end of the course
Teaching material : Various manuals, PDF formats on the IHK internal network.
Responsible teacher : Per Valentin Bigum , pevbi@dtu.dk