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Engineering Economy (Efterår 2009)

Kursuskode : ME-ECO-U1
ECTS Point : 5 Status : Obligatorisk
Placering : 1. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Hovedindhold : Basic engineering economy concepts and models in the areas of
1) Engineering economy and the design process, 2) Costs concepts and the design economy, 3) Theory of markets, 4) Cost-driven designs optimization, 5) Theory of investments, and 6) principals of accounting and budgeting.
Undervisningsform : The teaching is based on "learning by doing". There will be introductory and summing up lectures. Project work in small groups including case studies.
Krævede forudsætninger : -
Ansvarlig underviser : Ulrik Fønss , ufon@dtu.dk