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User-oriented Design (Fall 2009)

Course code : ME-PRJ1-U1
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 13/07 2009 Written : 26/08 2008
Placement : 1. semester Hours per week : 10
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Objective : To give students knowledge and background in user-oriented design, applied to mechanical and industrial design processes, and to enable them use this knowledge to describe and assess the technology and materials used in the development of a mechanical product and produce the necessary technical drawings, as well as design new products from the acquired knowledge.
To train the students in project planning, team work, communication, written and oral presentations.

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

• Be innovative in developing concepts for the industrial and technical design of a product.
• Produce technical drawings, including assembly drawing, using SolidWorks.
• Select the optimal materials, using the CES EduPack Materials and Processes selection software.
• Describe and evaluate the design chosen, considering the two aspects of design: Technical the industrial.
Principal Content : The project includes concept development, problem solving, function description, materials selection, brainstorming, and technical drawings, together with design and safety calculations.
Teaching method : Introductory lectures. Project work in small groups, including computer simulations, laboratory exercises, use of internet search engines and case studies.
Required prequisites : None
Recommended prerequisites : None
Relations : ME-IND, ME-MTR, ME-CAD, ME-ECO.
Type of examination : Oral examination based on a project
External examiner : Internal
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : This project is primarily for students enrolled in the program “Engineering Design & Industrial Innovation”, offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Teaching material : Lecture notes on CampusNet.
Responsible teacher : Ahmed Adil Albayati , AAM@ihk.dk