Dansk - English

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Database Design and Technology (Fall 2010)

Course code : IDDT-U1
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Revised : 12/04 2011 Written : 02/06 2010
Placement : 5. & 6. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Objective : This course aims to give the student the necessary theoretical and practical background for the design and manipulation of large database systems. The student will also learn how to construct a basic web application that accesses a database.

To enable the student to:
- design a database structure that reflects the problem domain, for example a small business
- understand and use methods and tools for constructing and maintaining databases
- understand and use methods and tools for basic web applications that access a database.

Learning outcomes (technical)
- Apply technical terms correctly
- Develop an entity/relationship diagram (ER-diagram)
- Explain and carry out transformation of ER to table structure
- Normalise tables to third normal form
- Draw and explain a referential integrity diagram
- Describe property tables
- Use SQL to define tables and constraints
- Use SQL to define views (including complex queries)
- Describe the use of indexes
- Describe the concepts of users and rights
- Implement a simple web application that accesses a database

Learning outcomes (non-technical)
- Write a report as documentation for the course assignment
Principal Content : SQL - the standard language for relational databases
o Data Definition Language (DDL)
o Data Manipulation Language (DML)
o Data Control Language (DCL)

Logical database design
o Entity/relationship diagrams (ER)
o Transformation of ER to table structure
o Functional dependency and normalisation
o Relational integrity
o Documentation, including property tables

Database management systems (DBMS)
o Physical database design and configuration
o Indexing
o System catalogue
o Transactions
o Security and user rights
o Backup and restoration

Web applications and databases
o Basic HTML
- Server-side programming, using for example Java Server Pages (JSP)
Required prequisites : PROG2
Recommended prerequisites : Good experience of programming.
Relations : -
Type of examination : Oral examination based on a project
External examiner : Internal
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : Exam:
The course is examined on the basis of an assignment where a small problem domain is identified and modelled, and a database implemented.
Teaching material : Ramakrishnan, Raghu & Gehrke, Johannes: Database Management Systems, McGraw-Hill
Responsible teacher : Roger Munck-Fairwood , romu@dtu.dk