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Electro-Physics 3 (Fall 2009) (Fall 2011)

Course code : EELF3-U01
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 16/09 2011 Written : 08/08 2001
Placement : 3. semester Hours per week : 8
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish and English

Objective : To give the students a detailed understanding of Electro-Physical concepts so that they will be able to solve problems in theoretical and experimental situations.

The course describes static and dynamic charges, electric and magnetic fields and magnetic circuits. Thereby the student gets an understanding of electronics, electrotechnique and nature phenomenons. This enables the student to understand other courses in the education and to be creative and innovative.


There is a detailed list of goals (formulas, figures and examples) for each of the 9 chapters (the ”list” in below). The student should be able to explain the goals in the compendia and to the exam:


1. Explain the theory using formulas and figures.

Oral examination at the blackboard using figures

2. Write and scantily explain the most fundamental details from the list

3. Explain most of the details from the list

4. Explain all details from the list almost perfectly
Principal Content : -Static charge distributions

E-fields with and without dielectrics

B-fields with and without magnetic materials

Electric and magnetic forces


Maxwell’s equations

H-field, M-field, magnetisation curves and magnetic circuits
Teaching method : Classes two mornings, totally 7 hours per week:

Repetition of theory (students)

Lecture of theory (the teacher)

Work with examples (group work)

Writing compendia and training presentations (group work and home work)

Presentation of compendia (group for the teacher)

Amount of home work: ca. 8 hours per week

During the semester the groups should hand-in 9 compendia corresponding to the 9 chapters in the course. In a compendium the group describes the theory and experiments in a chapter using text and figures corresponding to the list for that chapter. The group presents the compendium for the teacher when they hand-in the compendium.

Required prequisites : -
Recommended prerequisites : Knowledge of vector calculation, especially scalar and vector products
Relations : -
Type of examination : Look under remarks
External examiner : Internal
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : The groups must write 9 compendia, which must be presentet, hand-in and approved to enter for the examination.

In the beginning of the semester the students form groups. The group size should be 3-5 students.
A student, that does not work active in a group, and is not present three times during the group presentations, are considered to be inactive in the groupwork and may be refused to enter for the exam.

If a student had the course before, the student should not follow the classes, but contact the teacher within a week after the semester start.

The examination is oral and individual.
The student pick a question corresponding to one of the presentations from the list.

The student presents at once the presentation. It should take 15 minutes.

Then the teacher and censor ask questions within the whole pensum in 5-10 minutes.

The evaluation is based on the oral presentation and on the quality of the compendia.
The evaluation is based on a general impression of the level relative to the goals 1-4 above:

Grade 2 if goal 1 - 2 has been fulfilled
Grade 7 if goal 1 – 3 has been fulfilled
Grade 12 if goal 1 – 4 has been fulfilled

Teaching material : Web-site with lecture notes and the notes and compendia produced by the students themselves.
Responsible teacher : Niels-Ebbe Dam , nida@dtu.dk