Dansk - English

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Sustainable electronic and IT (Fall 2012)

Course code : ESUSIE-U1
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Revised : 11/07 2012 Written : 02/05 2012
Placement : 5. og 6. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish if no English students are present

Objective : This course introduces a sustainable way of developing electronics and IT solutions: Various network protocols used for energy control and consumption. Embedded Client-Server paradigms. Sensors used for measuring energy consumption and embedded system used in relation to control and measuring. Energy harvesting methods and low-power design. Virtual server solutions. “Internet in things”- all devices on a network.

Students will be able to:

1) Know the principles in Life Cycle Assessment of product
2) Describe different network protocol used in energy monitoring and control systems
3) Analyze a given system and suggest how to operate it in an optimized energy mode.
4) Know what server does and what virtualizing means for the energy consumption and relation to its uses
5) Use energy-harvesting methods to supply an embedded system or an access-point
6) Setup and use an Embedded System connected to a network for monitoring physical data as temperature, flow, energy uses etc.
7) Select components and solutions with focus on sustainability and energy
8) Design and implement for sustainability
9) Program Microprocessors using relevant programming languages – in ex. C and C++.
Principal Content : •Life cycle assessment
•Principles behinds different network protocols for energy control and intelligent buildings and products, e.g. Zigbee, Z-wave, Lonworks, BacNet
•Energy harvesting principles and it uses together with embedded systems
•Sensors and their uses in networks or stand-alone
•Programming embedded systems.
Teaching method : Classes with overview lectures and exercises, cases, and a 5 weeks final project-work
Required prequisites : Proge2, Eprode2 or similar
Relations : 2nd semester, Network and 3rd semesters
Type of examination : Oral examination
External examiner : External
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : Grades are given as follows:

For a minimum of basic knowledge and routine corresponding to the learning outcomes points 1 to 4

For knowledge, routine and behaviour corresponding to the learning outcomes points 1 to 6 and 9.

For knowledge, routine, behaviour and reflective skills corresponding to all the learning outcomes points
Responsible teacher :