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Mechanics & Materials II (Efterår 2012)

Kursuskode : ME-MEM2-U1
ECTS Point : 10 Status : Obligatorisk
Revideret : 13/03 2012 Oprettet : 21/10 2011
Placering : 2. semester Timer pr. uge : 8
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Målsætning : The overall course objective is to give the students a basic understanding of the link between the study of mechanics and materials in structural design. The course treats finite element analysis (FEA) in strength of materials as well as fundamental concepts of design for manufacturing, including prevention of product failure and reduction of product cost. This will enable the students to apply the principles of improving manufacturing efficiency through innovative design.
The students will learn to analyze stiffness and strength of reasonably complex structures and their sub-components, including the influence of material properties. Furthermore, the students are introduced to a systematic procedure for selecting materials processes that best match the requirements of a design.
The course provides a firm foundation for later studies in advanced mechanics of materials and manufacturing.

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

• Analyze the equilibrium of rigid bodies subjected to frictional forces.
• Solve statically indeterminate problems in mechanics.
• Use FEM software for the solution and the graphical illustration of structural design problems.
• Apply stress and strain transformations to analyze structures.
• Design and analyze axial, torsion and flexural structures as well as structures for combined loading.
• Design and analyze slender compressive structures (columns).
• Apply energy methods to determine stresses and deformations in practical engineering structures.
• Understand the link between material properties and mechanics of materials.
• Assess the influence of design for manufacture issues.
• Determine material and material processing compatibility for manufacturing and cost effective component design.
• Optimize component design and assembly towards efficient assembly process and lower assembly cost.
• Optimize component design towards efficient manufacturing process and reduce product cost.
• Optimize component design towards protecting the environment.
• Determine usability of advanced manufacturing technology in industry
• Apply the necessary tools and techniques to detect and prevent product failure during design process.
• Use computer software, currently Cambridge Engineering Selector, for interactive material and processes selection.
• Read engineering literature on advanced mechanics of materials and manufacturing.
• Apply the topics of the lectures to practical problems through project work in groups.
• Learn new topics in mechanics, materials and design for manufacture through guided projects.
• Organize project work in small groups.
• Write a professional project report containing the solutions of the problems posed in the assignments.

Hovedindhold : The course will cover the following topics: Equilibrium of rigid bodies subjected to friction. Frictional force analysis on machine elements such as wedges, screws, belts and bearings. Introduction to Finite Element Methods (FEM). Statically indeterminate structures. Introduction to the theory of elasticity. Stress and strain transformation. Deflection of beams. Design of column structures against buckling. Energy methods in structures such as trusses, frames and machines.
The course also covers various issues in design for manufacturing which includes tools and techniques to prevent product failure, reduce product cost and improve manufacturing efficiency through innovative design.
FEM software and “Cambridge Engineering Selector” (CES EduPack) are used throughout the course.
Undervisningsform : The pedagogy of the course is based on a “design-led approach”. Approximately half of the time allocated to the course will be used in guided project work in groups. The course projects will give the students an opportunity to apply basic concepts learned in the class to real-life problems, and to learn new concepts that are not covered in the lectures.
There will be introductory and summing up lectures as well as an introduction to material selection in mechanical design. Project work in small groups includes computer simulations, use of internet search engines and case studies.
Krævede forudsætninger : ME-MEM1.
Anbefalede forudsætninger : ME-MAM1.
Relationer : ME-MEM1. The course is otherwise fundamental to the whole study program in mechanical engineering.
Prøveform : Mundtlig evaluering på grundlag af kursusopgaver
Censur : Ekstern
Bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala
Bemærkninger : A number of group project assignments should be submitted and approved in order to be eligible to take the exam.

Undervisningsmateriale : - Statics and Mechanics of materials, SI Edition, by R. C. Hibbeler, ISBN-10: 981-0-68632-3, Pearson.
- Materials Selection in Mechanical Design (4th edition), 2010, Michael F. Ashby, Elsevier Ltd. ISBN 978-1-85617-663-7.
- Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (6th edition), 2010, Serope Kalpakjian and Steven Schmid. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 13 981-06-8144-9
- Lecture notes on CampusNet.
Ansvarlig underviser : Imad Abou-Hayt , iabo@dtu.dk