Dansk - English

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Acoustics (Spring 2004)

Course code : EAKUE-U01
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional for specified Programme
Placement : 5-7 semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English if English students are present

Principal Content : Introduction to sound fields, Room acoustics - reverberation. Psychoacoustics (hearing threshold, loudness, masking, etc). Speech and speech intelligibility. Linear models for microphones or a loudspeaker.
Teaching method : Overview lectures with discussion, students presentation and module assignments, Assignments: Design and verify a subwoofer.Design/verify a directional microphone Psychoacoustics, masking, binaural hearingOne visiting at an audio company.App. 50% of the lectures is left for group working on the 3 compulsory module assignments. Design/verify a directional microphone and Noise reduction and psychoacoustics.
Required prequisites : 2nd semester must be passed and math skills like 2nd semester math
Responsible teacher : Ole Schultz , osch@dtu.dk