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Linux Networking and Security (Forår 2004)

Kursuskode : ELINX-U01
ECTS Point : 7,5 Status : Tilvalg for den valgte retning
Revideret : 09/02 2004 Oprettet : 06/05 2001
Placering : 5. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Målsætning : To give the student sufficient theoretical and practical understanding and knowledge to design and implement a small TCP/IP local network connected to the Internet using PCs running Linux as the platform for both workstations and servers.
Hovedindhold : Workstation installation - turning your laptop into a working Linux computer

Unix usage: Users; file systems and their structure; essential commands. Graphical desktops.

Networks: Linux in a networking environment: Structure and configuration of the networking software.

Building your own system: Installing packages: "make", "RPM" and "tar". The Kernel and how to build it.

Basic security: threats, prevention, detection.

Servers: Choosing your type of servers (file, mail, print, name, web, DHCP, Samba, database); Building and securing the chosen server.
Undervisningsform : 50% of the time will be used by lectures and discussions, which will cover the theoretical aspects.

The practical part will fall in two parts: workstation installation and set-up will be done individually whereas server building will be done as a couse assignment in groups of up to four students.

The course will conclude with the handing-in of a report on the course assignment.
Krævede forudsætninger : Knowledge corresponding to the contents of NET4/NETE.
Anbefalede forudsætninger : The Network Management course NETM.
Relationer : None
Prøveform : Mundtlig evaluering på grundlag af kursusopgaver
Censur : Intern
Bedømmelse : 13-skala
Bemærkninger : The examination is a group examination but the marking is individual.

At the examination each student is allocated 15 minutes.

The evaluation is based on a general impression of the level achieved by the student relative to the objective of the course. The evaluation is based on the report, the oral performance and the functionality of the project.

The group presents the project by giving well-prepared presentations. The duration of the presentation is approx. 5 minutes. The group is required to coordinate the presentations in such a way that the major aspects of the project are covered, that the presentations are different and that each individual presentation has a good technical span.

After the presentation the supervisors and the external examiner pose questions inspired by the presentations, the report and the curriculum in general. The questions are a priori individual but may - if found relevant by the supervisors or the external examiner - form the basis of a broader group discussion.

During the evaluation by the supervisors and the external examiner, the project group leaves the room. Afterwards the group is summoned and the individual marks are explained.

If a student doesn"t pass the examination, the student is given guidance on how to improve the chances of passing.
Undervisningsmateriale : "Learning the UNIX Operating System", 5th ed. Jerre Peek et al. O"Reilly,Sebastopol CA 2001, ISBN 0-596-00261-0

"Linux Network Administrator"s Guide", 2nd ed. Olaf Kirch & Terry Dawson,O"Reilly, Sebastopol CA 2000, ISBN 1-56592-400-2. (May also be downloaded from the Internet http://www.linuxdoc.org/guides/)

Supplementary: "SuSE Linux Professional 8.0", ISBN 3-935922-46-9 (or later)

"Linux in a Nutshell", 3rd ed. Ellen Siever et al. O"Reilly, Sebastopol CA2000, ISBN 0-596-00025-1

"Computer Networking. A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet", James Kurose and Keith W. Ross. Addison Wesley, New York 2001, ISBN 0-201-47711-4
Ansvarlig underviser : Bent Bagger , bbag@dtu.dk