Dansk - English

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Digital signal processing and mathematics 3 (Spring 2004)

Course code : IDSM3A-U01
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 3. semester Hours per week : 8
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Principal Content : The main content is divided into three parts: A, B and C A. Digital filters with infinite impulse response (IIR filters) Z-transformation. Analysis of IIR filters in time and frequency domain. Design methods for IIR filters (using MATLAB) Filter Structures. Implementation on signalprocessors B. Probability and signals: Probability and Probability Distributions. Stochastic Signal Models. Elementary Information Theory and Source Coding. C. Speech Coding in telecommunication. Quantizing noise and companding. DPCM and prediction, ADPCM Pitch-excited LPC Modern speech coding standards - principles. (GSM etc).
Teaching method : In the beginning of the semester the teaching will be a mixture of ordinary classroom teaching and problem work partly based on MATLAB as the simulation tool. This form makes up 50% to 75% of the scheduled time in the semester, distributed as 100% in the beginning of the semester and 0% at the end of the semester. In relation to the contents items A and B two larger course assignments has to be carried out and documented in writing. In relation to the contents item C a larger course assignment has to be carried out and documented in a report.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge similar to DSM2
Responsible teacher :