Dansk - English

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Network Management (Spring 2005)

Course code : ENETM-U01
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Placement : 5-7 semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish and English

Principal Content : Network Management Overview.
SNMPv1 Network Management: Oganization, Information, Communication and Functional models.
SNMPv2 Network Management: Oganization, Information, Communication and Functional models.
SNMPv3 Network Management: Ooganization, Information, Communication and fFnctional models.
RMON: RMON 1 and RMON 2.
Management Tools, Systems and Applications.
Teaching method : Class teaching, lab-exercises and one group project.
Approximately 60% of the time will be spent on lab-exercises and the group project.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge similar to NET4/NETE.
Responsible teacher : Stig Jensen , stije@dtu.dk