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Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Spring 2006)

Course code : XENTRE-U1
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Revised : 10/02 2006 Written : 10/01 2006
Placement : 6. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Objective : The scope of the course is to enable the student to understand and take part in the processes which create and manage innovation processes. Secondly it is combine marketing and microeconomics with the innovation process, and use these subjects as tools for evaluating new innovative products as well as services, internally as well as externally. E.g. Preparing decision material for external financial sources.
Enable the student to explore how the innovation can be developed either in the company or as basis for creating the entrepreneur’s own company. Relevant circumstances involving the entrepreneur’s private sphere will be addressed.
Principal Content : Management of innovation processes with the aid of relevant project management tools, e.g. stage gate model, for incremental as well as blockbusting innovation.

Establishing of plans, evaluating the project and creating relevant stop-go criteria for continuation or discontinuation of projects.

What possibilities are there for the entrepreneur in completion of the project and maintaining ownership of the project. What type of possibilities and obstacles do the projects encounter when realised without the backing of an accepted and credible ownership group. How should the entrepreneur’s private economy be planned and trimmed before starting a project.
Teaching method : Lectures with group work and student presentation. A written report with a lecturer approved problem definition is obligatory.
Judging the problem definition, the ability to define a problem and limit the scope of the project, will be evaluated. The disposition must show a logical structure of the project in compliance with the problem definition. The actual report must have a length of 10 normal pages. When grading the paper a logical structure, clarity and the viability of the idea is evaluated.
Required prequisites : For Export Engineering students: First and second semester and a minimum of 130 ECTS.
Recommended prerequisites : An insight into marketing and micro economics will be beneficial.
For non-Export Engineering students: Two years of university studies completed.
Relations : -
Type of examination : Look under remarks
External examiner : Internal
Marking : Scale of 13
Remarks : The oral exam consist of two parts:
1) an introduction of the project by the student approx. 5 – 8 min.
2) followed by a questioning session into the curriculum.
The evaluation is based on the student’s ability to handle the complexity of the curriculum.
Teaching material : Teaching material to be named by lecturer.
Responsible teacher : Jan Schlünssen , jansh@dtu.dk