Dansk - English

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Product Design (Spring 2007)

Course code : MPRODES-U2
ECTS Credits : 20 Status : Optional
Placement : 6. semester Hours per week : 0
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Principal Content : Initially, students will follow a two-week course giving a short introduction to Concept Development and presentation as well as modelling and sketching techniques.
After this course the design subject will be introduced:
Based on specified requirements, students will establish the Product Specifications for a technical component in a product series. During this period, lectures relating to product development as a marketing variable, integrated product development and information search will be given.

During the semester, students will design a component based on the Product Specifications.
After the initial (hand-) sketching and research period, computerised 3D visualising tools for preparation of presentation material and production drawings will be used. Stereo lithography (SLA), CNC, reverse engineering and casting techniques will be used for rapid prototyping. Relevant courses with practice will be arranged during the semester.

The Product Design course will be supervised by engineering and design instructors during weekly consultations.
Teaching method : Lectures, courses, practice and supervision. Course work in groups of 4-5 students, each group consisting of engineering students and one or two affiliated design students from The School of Architecture in Copenhagen.
Required prequisites : -
Responsible teacher :