Dansk - English

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Multimedia (Spring 2007)

Course code : XMULTI-U1
ECTS Credits : 7,5 Status : Optional
Placement : 6 semester Hours per week : -1
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Principal Content : Introduction to Macromind Flash MX:
Vector based multimedia authoring tools which, primarily, are used for online visualisation and animation.
Video production and Sound:
To make video recordings and grab video sequences for further computer processing.
Introduction to streaming.
Introduction to Macromind Director 8.5
Bitmap based multimedia authoring tools which, primarily, are used for CD-Rom productions such as presentations, teaching material, manuals, games and standalone productions.
Image processing, Adobe Photo Shop:
Montages, layers, filters, image manipulation and image aesthetics.
System development and production planning:
Planning according to the HOME method.
Process activities such as objectives, teaming, test activities and risk management.
Product activities such as innovative thinking, research and communications planning.
Teaching method : Hands-on, class teaching with blackboard, beamer and overhead projector, class work with specific course material, individual work, group project work.
Required prequisites : For Export Engineering students:
1st, 2nd and 3rd semester and at least one exam no. 3 (Prøve 3) on the 4th or 5th semester.
Responsible teacher : Ulrik Fønss , ufon@dtu.dk