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Computer Networks (Spring 2008)

Course code : INET2-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 05/02 2008 Written : 31/01 2008
Placement : 2. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish and English

Objective : Network technologies are in an ever-increasing degree becoming an integrated part of hard- and software products. The objectives of this course are to enable the participants to analyse network architectures, define protocols and analyse network traffic using protocol analysers like Wireshark/ethereal.

The goals are: to provide a throughout understanding of network principles, to comprehend methods for design of protocols, to found the basis for the students own studies of subjects related to computer networks

The student should achieve the ability to:

I Theory:

1. Define concepts like protocol, congestion and flow control, fragmentation, addressing forms, byte stuffing and multiplexing /de-multiplexing.
2. Describe mainstream network components like routers, switches, hubs and their use.
3. Describe services provided by the most important protocols and explain the relations among the services provided and the content of the protocol header.
4. Use FSM-diagrams and latter diagrams to design a protocol.
5. Use protocol analysers like wireshark /ethereal to analyse network traffic.
6. Discus and evaluate the use of a) addressing forms, b) forward error correction versus error detection, c) stability of routing algorithms, d) explicit and implicit congestion control, e) available standards for local area networks (wired as wireless), f) implications on higher protocol layers of the NAT protocol g)IP4 versus IP6.

II Product:

1. Implement, document and demonstrate a product that fulfils the requirement specification.
2. Identify, execute and document relevant tests for the developed product.
3. Demonstrate and document the ability to identify the major problem areas and the ability to carry out a systematic reduction into well-defined sub problems.
4. Identify and execute measurements and experiments for further reduction of uncertainties within the problem areas.
5. Create alternative models for the solutions. Select a particular solution based on a documented evaluation of the alternatives.
Principal Content : Overview: Computer Networks and the Internet.
Application Layer: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, DNS and socket programming.
Transport Layer: TCP and UDP.
Network Layer: IP, ICMP, NAT, Routing Algorithms and Routers.
Data Link Layer: Ethernet, Wireless LAN, Bridges, Switches and Hubs.
Teaching method : Class teaching, lab-exercises
Approximately 40% of the time will be spent on lab-exercises.
Required prequisites : Basic programming experience in one programming language (c, c++, java.....).
Remarks : Approved lab. Exercise(s) in socket programming.

Oral examination based on a specified project and probing of the students knowledge about the theoretical background. Internal censorship


2 for fulfilling I: define and describe objectives, and II 1,2,3 with some defects.
7 for also fulfilling I: define and describe objectives, and II 1,2,3 with minor defects
12 for fulfilling all the objectives with only minor defects

Course limitations: min. 8 - max. 35 participants
Teaching material : James F. Kurose & Keith W. Ross: Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 4"th edition, ISBN 0-321-49770-8.
Chap 1-6
Responsible teacher : Ole Rydahl , olry@dtu.dk