Dansk - English

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Soil, Groundwater and Waterworks (Spring 2009)

Course code : BJGV-T3-U1
ECTS Credits : 15 Status : Optional
Revised : 23/03 2009 Written : 09/03 2004
Placement : 6.7.semester Hours per week : 27
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : The student will gain knowledge and understanding of soil and ground water pollution, protection of the ground water resource, and the use of ground water for drinking water.
The student will gain proficiency in planning, projecting and construction within ground water modelling, drinking water treatment and pollution remediation techniques.
Students having accomplished the course objectives, will at the final exam be able to
• Planning, building and running a digital ground water model
• Planning, designing, calculating and documentation of waterworks
• Planning, designing, calculating and documentation of remediation techniques at a site
• Knowing chemical processes within soil, ground water and water supply
• Knowing legislation within soil, ground water and water supply
• Reflecting on and giving arguments for chosen solution
• Reporting on group work and the cooperation
Principal Content : Course elements, of which the students will plan and carry out assignments and Course projects.
Soil and ground water pollution: risk assessment, remediation techniques, monitoring, time planning and construction
Ground water resources: drinking water quality, water works, ground water extraction, action plans
Ground water model: water balance, hydraulic parameters, underground water flow, dispersion of contaminating compounds
The student must complete a course project in digital ground water modelling.
The student must complete a course project in waterworks for drinking water and a proposal for the remediation for a contaminated site.
Teaching method : Presentations and assignments
Student presentations and discussions. Individual learning.
Teaching by external professionals. Excursions.
Course Projects are carried out in groups of 2 - 4 students.
Topics to course project are decided by the professors after student proposals
Required prequisites : Students must have passed all Theme Courses
Recommended prerequisites :
Relations :
Type of examination : Oral examination based on assignments
External examiner : External
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : The assessment is based on the course project, and a presentation and discussion of the project, related to the professional subjects of the course
Teaching material : Ground Water Modelling System, manual
Håndbog i grundvandsmodellering
Vandforsyning, Teknisk forlag, VF
Miljøstyrelsens vejledning nr. 6 og 7, 1998.
Rapport fra Miljøstyrelsen nr. 714, 2002. Afprøvede teknologier
Rapport fra Miljøstyrelsen nr. 4 , 2003. Afværge håndbog om chlorerede stoffer
Bekendtgørelse om lov om vandforsyning
Lov om forurenet jord
Miljøstyrelsens hjemmeside: www.mst.dk
By –og landskabsstyrelsens hjemmeside: www.blst.dk
Lovstof: www.retsinfo.dk
Andre web-adresser:
www.vandmodel.dk/staabi_2000htm ;
Amternes videncenter:
www.avjinfo.dk - Afværgekatalog nr. 4 2007, Teknik og administration
www.atv-jord-grundvand.dk - ATV Jord og grundvand
www.dmu.dk - Danmarks miljøundersøgelser.
Responsible teacher : Jenny Rytter , jery@dtu.dk