Dansk - English

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Environmental Engineering and Waste water in Foreign Countries (Spring 2009)

Course code : BMSU-T2-U1
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Optional
Placement : 6-7 semester Hours per week : 18
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Principal Content : Overview of the subject of the course. The course assignments and projects of the course are chosen within these subjects.
1. In foreign countries.
Plan, design, calculate and implement systems for
- water supply
- waste water and waste water treatment
- surface water
- waste and waste treatment
Relating to relevant climatic, cultural, economical, technological and health conditions
2. Run off
- Models for run off, over flow and consequences for recipients.
- Basins and over flows, regulation of water table and water flow
- Pumping stations and pressure
- renovations of sewage systems
3. Waste water
- Waste water treatment, sludge, sludge treatment
- Management and maintenance of plant
4. Economical assessment
Teaching method : Presentations and assignments, leading to the course project
Students presentations and discussions. Self tuition
External professionals. Excursions. Study tour
Course Projects are carried out in groups of 2 - 4 students.
Decision on the course project is decided upon by the professors after proposal from the students
Required prequisites : The student must have passed all Theme Courses
Responsible teacher : Solbritt Christiansen , solb@dtu.dk