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Operating Systems (Forår 2009)

Kursuskode : EOS-U01
ECTS Point : 7,5 Status : Tilvalg for den valgte retning
Revideret : 30/01 2009 Oprettet : 28/01 2002
Placering : 5-7 semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk hvis der er engelsksprogede tilstede

Målsætning : Objective:
The study of operating systems and the control programs they comprise is a classical discipline within computer science. The purpose of this study module is to provide the background and context for understanding the principles behind the designs of all operating systems.
Through practical exercises the students will acquire a working knowledge of how these principles are put into practice in real operating systems..

Learning objectives:

at the end of the course the student should be able to:

1. describe the important functional parts present in a modern computer and operating system
2. describe and explain how the operating system provides an abstraction of the computer systems resources to the application and the programmer at various levels
3. use, describe and explain, with respect to functionality, important parts of the API offered by the covered operating systems for common tasks as exemplified through the programming labs and exercises.
4. explain and discuss the general mechanisms for sharing and managing resources such as CPU time, memory ,I/O devices and storage of a single computer system among multiple concurrent activities in a fair, efficient and secure way
5. describe and explain methods for Inter Process Communication on a single computer system as well as over a network
6. describe and explain the hardware mechanisms present in a modern computer system supporting the above mentioned
7. explain and discuss different policies and implementations as applied to resource sharing and management in different parts of the covered operating systems
8. explain important problems resulting from resource sharing and concurrency
9. explain the techniques applicable to ensuring safe and correct synchronization of concurrent activities and their access to shared resources, and how the operating system with support from the hardware makes these available to the programmer
10. describe and explain solutions to the common synchronization problems covered during the course
11. describe methods for distributing storage and computational resources between networked computers and give examples of special problems arising from distribution as covered by the course.

Grading follows the official statutory order on the 7-point grading scale.:

12 This grade is given for the excellent performance. The student has accomplished the learning objectives with no or only a few unimportant shortcomings
7 This grade is given for the good performance. The student has accomplished the learning objectives but with some shortcomings.
2 This grade is for the acceptable performance where the student have accomplished the learning goals to an just acceptable degree.

The evaluation of the level of accomplishment of the learning goals is based on a professional judgement by the teacher and the ‘external’ examiner.

Hovedindhold : Principal content:

Using the Operating System.
Processes and Threads.
Cooperating Processes and Synchronization
Memory Management and Virtual Storage.
IO-system and Device Management.
Networks and Distributed Computing.
The Linux and Windows Kernels.

Undervisningsform : Theory combined with practical exercises and working on an assignment.
Krævede forudsætninger : General knowledge of programming. A basic knowledge of C (or C++) will be an advantage
Anbefalede forudsætninger : None
Relationer : Operating Systems have a close relationship with computer architecture. Hence this course in Operating Systems and the course in Computer Architecture (ARK) can benefit from each other.
Prøveform : Se under bemærkninger
Censur : Intern
Bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala
Bemærkninger : Individual oral examination based on assignments

- The student will present an assignment picked at random among the mandatory assignments. The presentation must cover relevant theory as well as the practical solution of the assignment ,and will be used as starting point for examination in the curriculum as a whole. The duration of the exam is approximately 30 minutes per student

Undervisningsmateriale : Textbook:
Operating System Concepts. 7th edition. A. Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin & G. Gagne.
ISBN 978-0-471-69466-3. Wiley 2005.
Ansvarlig underviser : Svend Mortensen , svmo@dtu.dk