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Engineering traineeship period (Spring 2009)

Course code : MINPRAK-U1
ECTS Credits : 30 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 21/11 2007 Written : 27/02 1998
Placement : 5. semester Hours per week : 37
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish

Objective : By means of practical relevant work the student should obtain insight in the organisation of a company considered from an engineering aspect. The student should become acquainted with the different special functions of the company, as taught theoretically in college courses. The trainee period contributes to promote motivation throughout the final part of studies.
Principal Content : 6-8 weeks traineeship period within the production or workshop department of a company where some of the following duties should be discharged: · Preparation of production, Planning of production, Quality control, Quality inspection, Maintenance and Assembly 10-12 weeks traineeship period within the construction and development department of a company where some of the following duties should be discharged: · Construction, Experiments, Product development, Supervision, Planning, Design 2-4 weeks traineeship period within the quotation and sales department of a company where some of the following duties should be discharged: · Technical and price calculation, Logistics, Complaints, Technical information, Service. 20 weeks
Teaching method : See Main Contents.
Required prequisites : Courses in the first, second, third and fourth semester have to be passed/approved.
Recommended prerequisites : All courses of 4th semester must be passed.
Relations : Attendance at training location. Absence throughout the entire period must not exceed 4%. Approval of practice report. ·The report must be submitted not later than one week after the conclusion of the trainee period.
Type of examination : Present during trainee period
External examiner : None
Marking : Approved/Not approved
Remarks : If studies conclude with a specialization, the training period must be related to the specialization. Report contents and presentation must be implemented according to existing rules of practice in the course of the B.Sc.Eng.(Hons). studies. During the traineeship it is allowed to enroll or follow courses or projects exept for some re-examinations
Teaching material : -
Responsible teacher : Hans H. Hansen , hhha@dtu.dk