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Product Design (Project) (Forår 2010)

Kursuskode : MIPRD-U1
ECTS Point : 15 Status : Tilvalg
Placering : 6. semester Timer pr. uge : 25
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Hovedindhold : Initially, students will have introduction to project management.

The design subject will be introduced:
Based on specified requirements, students will establish the Product Specifications for a technical component in a product series. During this period, lectures relating to product development as a marketing variable, integrated product development and information search will be given.

During the semester, students will design a component based on the Product Specifications.

The Product Design course will be supervised by both an engineering and a design instructors during weekly consultations.
Undervisningsform : Lecture and tutorial
Krævede forudsætninger : -
Ansvarlig underviser : Morten B. Nielsen , mbn@ihk.dk