ESDR-U1 Software defined radio | | ESDR-U1 Software defined radio |
IBAC-15-U1 Bachelorprojekt | | IBAC-15-U1 Bachelor project |
ICOMP-U1 Computer Science | | ICOMP-U1 Computer Science |
ICOMP3-U1 Computer Science | | ICOMP3-U1 Computer Science |
IDISM2-U1 Mathematics 2 - Discrete Mathematics | | IDISM2-U1 Mathematics 2 - Discrete Mathematics |
IDIST-U1 Distributed Systems | | IDIST-U1 Distributed Systems |
IDIST3-U1 Distribuerede Systemer | | IDIST3-U1 Distributed Systems (Autumn 2009) |
IGAME-U1 Game Physics | | IGAME-U1 Game Physics |
IGAME2-U1 GamePhysics | | IGAME2-U1 GamePhysics |
ILADM4-U1 Lineær algebra og data mining | | ILADM4-U1 Linear Algebra and Data Mining |
INET3-U1 Computer Networks and the Internet | | INET3-U1 Computer Networks and the Internet |
IOSLX-U1 Operating Systems | | IOSLX-U1 Operating Systems |
IOSLX4-U1 Operating Systems and Embedded Linux | | IOSLX4-U1 Operating Systems and Embedded Linux |
IPARP-U1 Parallel Programming | | IPARP-U1 Parallel Programming |
IPARP4-U1 Parallel Programming 4 | | IPARP4-U1 Parallel Programming 4 |
IPROI3-U1 Project Course in Distributed Systems | | IPROI3-U1 Project Course in Distributed Systems |
IPROI4-U1 Interdisciplinary Project 4 | | IPROI4-U1 Interdisciplinary Project 4 |