Dansk - English

Short version - Full version

(Spring 2012)

Course code : A-FYSB-U4
ECTS Credits : 11 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 1. og 2. semester Hours per week : 6
Length : 2 semesters Teaching Language : English

Principal Content : Electricity, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Waves, Quantum physics, Nuclear physics

For participation in exam the student must:

1: make 7 experiments in lab, write a report for each experiment and obtain acceptance of each report.
4 of the experiments are done during the first semester, 3 during the second semester.
The student can only take part in an experiment if the report of the previous experiment is already written and handed in to the teacher.
2: undertake an interdisciplinary course work in physics and mathematics. This work is done in the second semester and must be presented as a project report.

Reports not accepted at first can be corrected and given in again
Teaching method : Lectures, presentations, problem solving in groups or individually, experiments, weekly written assignments, written reports
Responsible teacher : Fritze Olsen , frol@dtu.dk