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Healthcare Technology - Towards a Personalized Healthcare Mass Market (Spring 2012)

Course code : E-HCT-U2
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Optional
Revised : 22/06 2012 Written : 22/06 2012
Placement : Hours per week : 20
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English if English students are present

Objective : The aim of the course is introduction to biomedical, technological and application areas, which form the basis for the next generation of telemedicine systems. It is expected that these systems will develop towards still more personalized mass market health care systems available at significantly lower cost than what is the case today.
The course consists of lectures from the medical, technological and industrial areas related to the broad area of telemedicine. It is supplemented by visits at a company working within healthcare technology and a hospital responsible for patients presently using a telemedicine system. Furthermore the presentation and learning of the principles of sensor systems for continuously measuring and transmitting human physiological parameters and the path to the clinical decision support software system are emphasized.
Course keywords:
- Human physiology, anatomy and the large disease groups: Cancer, diabetes, blodwessel calcifications, heart diseases and chronic lung disease.
- Measuring human physiological parameters.
- Analysis of biomedical signals.
- Wireless systems as a tool for communicating measured human physiologi¬cal parameters for clinical monitoring and rehabilitation, targeting teleme¬dicine systems.
- Examples of existing and emerging medical and rehabilitation systems e.g. for clinical diagnosis and monitoring of the large disease groups, using telemedicine.
- clinical analysis and decision support system.

Learning objectives:
A student who has fully met the objectives of the course will be able to, within the framework of the course:
Understand and explain the large disease groups and the related physiology and anatomy.
Understand, explain and carry out an initial design of a measuring and analysis system for human physiological signals.
Understand and explain the communication path from a sensor to a clinical decision site.
Principal Content : - Human physiology, anatomy and the large disease groups: Cancer, diabetes, blodwessel calcifications, heart diseases and chronic lung disease.
- Measuring human physiological parameters.
- Analysis of biomedical signals.
- Wireless systems as a tool for communicating measured human physiologi¬cal parameters for clinical monitoring and rehabilitation, targeting teleme¬dicine systems.
- Examples of existing and emerging medical and rehabilitation systems e.g. for clinical diagnosis and monitoring of the large disease groups, using telemedicine.
- Clinical analysis and decision support system.
Teaching method : Course sessions in class and project work in groups of 3-4 students.
Required prequisites : -
Recommended prerequisites : The participants must have completed course in programming and first year mathematics. Each participant must bring a laptop computer to the course
Relations : -
Type of examination : Oral examination
External examiner : Internal
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : The course is delivered in a cooperation between the Copenhagen University College of Engineering, Metropolitan University College, with contributions from companies within the healthcare area and research groups at hospitals in the Region.
Teaching material : The course material is distributed during the course.
Responsible teacher : John Aasted Sørensen , jaas@dtu.dk