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Network Security (Forår 2012)

Kursuskode : ENETS-U01
ECTS Point : 7,5 Status : Tilvalg
Placering : 6. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Dansk hvis der ikke er engelsksprogede studerende tilstede

Hovedindhold : Principal content:

Network Security, Cryptography: Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption, Hash Functions.
Network Security Applications: Authentication Applications, Electronic Mail Security, IP- security, Web-security.
System Security: Intruders, Malicious Software, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Security Policies.
Undervisningsform : Undervisningsform: Class teaching, lab-exercises and one group project
Approximately 60% of the time will be spent on lab-exercises and the group project.
Krævede forudsætninger : Documented knowledge corresponding to NET4/NETE
Ansvarlig underviser : Svend Mortensen , svmo@dtu.dk