Dansk - English

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Project 3 in Circuit theory and Analog Electronics (Spring 2012)

Course code : EPROE3-U1
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 3. semester Hours per week : 8
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Principal Content : Introduction to test and measurement software (Agilent VEE)
DC, Time- and frequency domain measurements.

Introduction to the projects.

One or more projects are carried out inside the field of analog electronics. The projects may include transducers and will be related to some of the topics taught in CIA and ELFE3.
From a given project definition the student must go through the engineering (partly iterative) process: Specification*, analysis and design, modeling, simulation, verification, design, test and documentation.

*To ensure coverage of some of the topics taught in CIA, the specifications will, to some extent, be given in the project definition handed out by the supervisor.
Teaching method : Overview lectures in the beginning of semester (~3 weeks) and before each new project.

Project work in groups. Supervision in groups.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge similar to VKET, MATE1 and DSM2.

CIA and ELFE3 are followed simultaneously (or before).
Responsible teacher : Lars Maack , lmaa@dtu.dk